Our super system that can connect to the brain using super radio active waves. We want to tell you what our colleague Kalid discovered.

Laser computer communication

Our system allows you to connect to a computer using a 5G network and a special chip located in the brain. Our advanced computer program allows you to clean data from your brain. You can erase memories. The team of Ukrainian laser technology has provided us with a laboratory that facilitates our work. The system is under development but can be started with a simple command

<a> brain> use? command-clear

Our system will facilitate communication with the brain indirectly with a 5G router that supports the Kalid 10.50 GHz frequency. To facilitate communication with the brain in another country, you should have a Super-Location-System (SLS) Satelite that transmits data at a speed of 90GB /S

On the other hand, communication with the brain in space will be facilitated by the metaphor of the radio location station. There will be no problems with inter-planetary communication because on the moon there is our SLS with a range of 300,000 km. This is an amazing result for a small radio station. How does Chip The chip has a system that receives information from the computer and sends it back to it.

Communication with the brain is still under development but will soon be released for use

By ftw

2 thoughts on “Computer system of communication with the brain – You must check this !”
    1. I understand Brandon’s skepticism, but I have to disagree – the advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are indeed groundbreaking and hold immense promise for revolutionizing communication and cognition. While there may be some challenges ahead, I’m excited about the potential of BCIs to empower individuals with paralysis or neurological disorders, and even enhance human performance through seamless interaction between the brain and digital systems. As we witness the rapid evolution of neurotechnology in today’s era of exponential innovation, it’s hard not to get caught up in the excitement of what could be possible!

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